Our Teen Treatment Program
Thank you for taking a step toward finding your daughter the environment and support she needs to heal. We recognize that you love your daughter. Sending her away is likely one of the more painful experiences of your life. You have done everything in your power to help her at home.
Thank you for trusting Discovery Ranch South to provide your daughter with the care and support that she needs to thrive in the future.

Overview of Discovery Ranch South
Any parent of a teenage or preteen girl knows the challenges parents face today. These challenges are compounded when parents care for a teen girl who struggles with ADHD, adoption issues, anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, oppositional defiance, self-harm, or suicidal ideation.
This article will describe how the relationship-based treatment provided at Discovery Ranch South can be instrumental in providing adolescent girls with the support they need to transform their lives.
The integrated approach to care that can be found at the ranch, as described by the CARE model, allows clinicians, teachers, and other staff members to be aware of and address each girl's needs.
Parents are also a vital part of the treatment process. Along with the clinical, academic, residential, and experiential staff members, they are a part of their daughter's treatment team. They play a vital role in guiding their daughter toward healing.
Relationship-Based Treatment
Most girls who come to a residential treatment center are initially unwilling to engage in the treatment process. Discovery Ranch South helps students overcome their initial reluctance by forging solid relationships.
Therapists, teachers, teacher's aides, and mentors all work together to create lasting bonds with students. These relationships become the open doors through which healing can enter.
Parent Involvement
As a parent, you are always a vital part of the treatment process. You will be part of your daughter's treatment team. Together with the other members of the Treatment Team, you will help guide your daughter through the healing process.
You will also receive assistance yourself. During weekly virtual therapy sessions, you will learn how to connect with your daughter in new, healthier ways.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to engage with parents of young girls who are facing similar challenges. During Parents Days, you can meet with parents whose daughters have faced similar challenges and learn from content experts and each other.
Our Research & Outcomes Show Adolescent Girls Can Live a Life Free From Mental Health Issues
75% of students report they are more comfortable sharing feelings with their parents.
75% of students & parents report significantly better family functioning
90% of parents report teen is much better compared to the beginning of treatment
96% of both parents and students showed consistent improvement on problem behavior (Y-OQ) and emotional problems tests (BPFS-C)
100% of students report their problems are much better than when they began
Six months after graduation, 100% of parents and students say that their problems are much better than when they began